Mobula SDK (Beta) uses PostgREST standard, propulsed by the Supabase SDK.


const mobula = new Mobula("your-api-key");

  .order("volume", { ascending: true })
  .then((res) => {

  .match({ name: "FTT Token" })
  .then((res) => {

Database Schema

Only public table yet is assets. It contains all the assets curated by Mobula.

nametextName of the asset
symboltextSymbol of the asset
contractstext[]List of contracts of the asset
blockchainstext[]List of blockchains of the asset
decimalsnumericDecimals of the asset


tagstext[]List of tags of the asset
teamjsonbTeam of the asset
launchjsonbLaunch of the asset
distributionjsonbDistribution of the asset
salesjsonbSales of the asset
feesjsonbFees of the asset
release_schedulejsonbRelease schedule of the asset
listing_hashtextListing hash of the asset
listing_amountnumericListing amount of the asset
ico_pricenumericICO price of the asset
protocol_idnumericProtocol ID of the asset
listing_typetextListing type of the asset
dropstab_idtextDropstab ID of the asset
coingecko_idtextCoingecko ID of the asset


twittertextTwitter of the asset
websitetextWebsite of the asset
descriptiontextDescription of the asset
audittextAudit of the asset
kyctextKYC of the asset
chattextChat of the asset
logotextLogo of the asset
discordtextDiscord link of the asset
discord_nametextDiscord name of the asset
githubtextGithub of the asset
telegram_membersnumericTelegram members of the asset
telegram_online_membersnumericTelegram online members of the asset
telegram_online_rationumericTelegram online ratio of the asset
discord_membersnumericDiscord members of the asset
discord_online_membersnumericDiscord online members of the asset
discord_online_rationumericDiscord online ratio of the asset


pricenumericPrice of the asset
price_change_1hnumericPrice change in 1h of the asset
price_change_24hnumericPrice change in 24h of the asset
price_change_7dnumericPrice change in 7d of the asset
price_change_1mnumericPrice change in 1m of the asset
price_change_1ynumericPrice change in 1y of the asset
market_capnumericMarket capitalization of the asset
market_cap_change_24hnumericMarket capitalization change in 24h of the asset
market_cap_dilutednumericDiluted market capitalization of the asset
liquiditynumericLiquidity of the asset
liquidity_market_cap_rationumericLiquidity market cap ratio of the asset
liquidity_change_24hnumericLiquidity change in 24h of the asset
volumenumericVolume of the asset
off_chain_volumenumericOff-chain volume of the asset
volume_change_24hnumericVolume change in 24h of the asset
off_chain_volume_change_24hnumericOff-chain volume change in 24h of the asset
total_volumenumericTotal volume of the asset
total_volume_change_24hnumericTotal volume change in 24h of the asset
circulating_supplynumericCirculating supply of the asset
total_supplynumericTotal supply of the asset
max_supplynumericMax supply of the asset