zkSync API Overview

Mobula API introduces compatibility with zkSync, a Layer 2 scaling protocol on Ethereum that harnesses zero-knowledge rollups for expedited and cost-effective transactions. Developers can now integrate zkSync’s forward-thinking features into Ethereum-based applications for improved efficiency.

Octopus - Market API

  • Retrieve Market Insights: Secure immediate and historical market data for zkSync assets, essential for applications demanding timely financial data.
  • Batch Market Insight Acquisition: Gather batch data for multiple zkSync assets, optimal for broad-spectrum market analysis.
  • Ascertain Market Pairs: Identify trading pairs linked to zkSync assets, vital for trading ecosystems and fintech applications.
  • Enumerate Trading Pairs: Amass a comprehensive index of trading pairs on the zkSync platform across various exchanges.

Wallet Explorer API

  • Inspect NFT Holdings: Peruse NFT assets within zkSync wallets, key for NFT marketplaces and digital art connoisseurs.
  • Track Wallet Value Over Time: Scrutinize the historical valuation of zkSync wallets.
  • Monitor Cryptocurrency Portfolios: Supervise the array of cryptocurrencies stored in zkSync wallets.
  • Access Historical Wallet Activity: Document the transactional history of zkSync wallets.

Metacore - Metadata API

  • List All Digital Assets: Compile a list of all the cryptocurrencies available on zkSync.
  • Name-Driven Asset Search: Execute searches for zkSync assets by name, facilitating asset location.
  • Acquire Asset Metadata: Harvest extensive metadata pertaining to assets on zkSync, enhancing user knowledge.

Example Use Cases

  • Efficient DApps on Layer 2: Deploy zkSync to create decentralized applications that benefit from reduced gas fees and swift transactions.
  • Financial Analytics Instruments: Leverage zkSync market data for granular financial analysis and predictive trend mapping.
  • Enhanced Wallet Features: Offer advanced wallet features to zkSync patrons, including detailed asset oversight and transaction history.

Getting Started

Engage with zkSync functionality by registering for a Mobula API key. Our documentation delivers comprehensive guidelines and example code for an efficient integration process.